Spring Into Action: Tips for Weight Loss For Morbidly Obese Patients

If you are 100+ pounds overweight and want to start losing weight, congratulations, this is a huge step in the right direction.  Diet, movement and mental outlook all play a role in contributing to your weight loss success.  Weight loss can be more complicated when a person has considerable weight to lose.  Even if you are considering weight loss surgery or the gastric sleeve, these habits will help you keep the weight off over time.

Not all workouts are created equal.  Before you commit to a gym or a workout routine, it’s important to do your research.  Exercise can be hard on your joints.  Look for workouts and classes that are low intensity and low impact.  You may even want to enlist the help of a personal trainer.

Even 30 minutes a day of exercise can be effective.  Workouts in the water or on a spin bike are great workouts to try.  You can even divide your workout into two 15-minute sessions.  Once you’ve lost 10% of your body weight, you can up the intensity, working out longer and using weights.

Changing your diet:
Did you know that cutting 500 calories in your daily food intake can result in losing 1-2 pounds per week.  Adding a lean protein and veggies to every meal can be effective way to get the nutrients your body needs.  Your doctor can help determine your body’s exact caloric needs.  Logging your food will also keep your nutrition on track.

Find a good support system:
Weight loss is most effective when you have a group of people to support you along the way.  Accountability is extremely important, especially when you are changing your exercise and nutrition habits.  A good support system can also help guard against depression and/or giving up when you are discouraged.  Finding a therapist can also be helpful in keeping you on track.

Final thoughts — A person who is morbidly obese is also at risk for serious health complications so before you join a gym, start a new workout routine, or commit to a new nutrition plan always consult with your doctor first.

Preparing for Weightloss Surgery: 6 Steps to Make Your Weight Loss Results More Successful

Did you know that preparing for weight loss surgery will actually make you more successful over the long run?  It will also minimize your risks of complications, reduce stress and increase the overall amount of weight you will lose over time. Preparation for surgery should start at least 6 months before your surgery date and involves reversing poor habits.  Weight loss surgery cannot be effective if you don’t change your habits, so start know so you are mentally, physically, and emotionally ready for the journey ahead.

Here are the habits you need to start adopting before surgery:

#1: Change Your Eating Habits:
After weight loss surgery, you will eat much smaller portion sizes.  Start now by  start eating smaller portion sizes and a diet that is rich in vegetables and proteins.

#2: Start taking a multivitamin:
After surgery, it is harder for your body to absorb nutrients and you are consuming less food.  A multivitamin is needed to help supplement your body with the nutrients needed for your body to be healthy.

#3: Start moving:
Movement is essential to weight loss surgery because it reduces the risk of complications.  Find an activity you enjoy and exercise at 20-30 minutes each day.

#4: Drink more water:
Start increasing your water intake an additional 64oz. each day.  Water will help you fill fuller faster and also help flush out your digestive system.

#5: Stop any alcohol or tobacco use:
Studies show that both alcohol and tobacco use can cause complications to your recovery after surgery.  Alcohol is absorbed at a much faster rate into your blood stream causing intoxication at a much quicker rate causing patients to give into cravings at a much higher rate.  Tobacco use can cause clots in your blood stream complicating your recovery after surgery.

#6: Seek Out Support:
Connecting with others who have been through weight loss surgery is critical to your own weight loss success.  Find a support group that can help you before and after the surgery because they can provide advice and support that your family and friends cannot provide.

If you are considering weight loss surgery and need more information, don’t hesitate to give us a call or check out our frequently asked questions!