Tips For Working Out In Warmer Weather

The dog days of summer are upon us.  Between the heat and humidity, it can be tough to get a good workout.  When you workout, the sweat your body creates helps create a natural cooling system.  Factor in humidity, and the sweat sticks to your skin making it harder for your body to cool off.  During summer months, don’t jeopardize your health when working out.  Take advantage of these tips to exercise in warmer weather.

Start Slow:
Begin your workout with a warm-up such as a slow jog.  This allows your body to better acclimate to the heat.  You’ll know that you are warmed up when your body begins to sweat.

Change your routine(Whenever possible):
Parks, beaches and trails are filled with trees that provide natural shade that can keep your body cool when you workout. Working out at the beach or in the pool are also great alternatives to keep your body cool in warm weather. It is also better to workout in the early morning or afternoon to avoid peak heat.

Stay Hydrated (and keep drinking water):
We can’t stress the importance of drinking water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated.  The more you sweat, the more water you need to consume.  A good strategy is to drink small amounts of water throughout the day to replenish the fluids in your body.  If you are participating in strenuous exercise, you may also need to consume electrolytes.

Protect your skin:
Before you start your workout, apply sunscreen to your arms, legs, and face. You should also avoid wearing tight fitting clothes, that keep sweat trapped on your body.  Instead wear loose fitting shirts and shorts that will wipe away moisture.

Know Your Body
Know your limits, and know when you need to stop.  Be aware of the signs of heat stroke, which is where your body temperature rises to 115 degrees or higher.  Signs can include seizures, dry skin (body doesn’t sweat), confusion, rapid or weak pulse and unconsciousness.

Spring Into Action: Tips for Weight Loss For Morbidly Obese Patients

If you are 100+ pounds overweight and want to start losing weight, congratulations, this is a huge step in the right direction.  Diet, movement and mental outlook all play a role in contributing to your weight loss success.  Weight loss can be more complicated when a person has considerable weight to lose.  Even if you are considering weight loss surgery or the gastric sleeve, these habits will help you keep the weight off over time.

Not all workouts are created equal.  Before you commit to a gym or a workout routine, it’s important to do your research.  Exercise can be hard on your joints.  Look for workouts and classes that are low intensity and low impact.  You may even want to enlist the help of a personal trainer.

Even 30 minutes a day of exercise can be effective.  Workouts in the water or on a spin bike are great workouts to try.  You can even divide your workout into two 15-minute sessions.  Once you’ve lost 10% of your body weight, you can up the intensity, working out longer and using weights.

Changing your diet:
Did you know that cutting 500 calories in your daily food intake can result in losing 1-2 pounds per week.  Adding a lean protein and veggies to every meal can be effective way to get the nutrients your body needs.  Your doctor can help determine your body’s exact caloric needs.  Logging your food will also keep your nutrition on track.

Find a good support system:
Weight loss is most effective when you have a group of people to support you along the way.  Accountability is extremely important, especially when you are changing your exercise and nutrition habits.  A good support system can also help guard against depression and/or giving up when you are discouraged.  Finding a therapist can also be helpful in keeping you on track.

Final thoughts — A person who is morbidly obese is also at risk for serious health complications so before you join a gym, start a new workout routine, or commit to a new nutrition plan always consult with your doctor first.